Creativity is not just an important gift of artists, but an important skill. In many jobs, creativity is required – usually at the push of a button. But many people manage to develop new ideas even in stressful situations and end up presenting solutions that no one would have imagined before.
But what is the secret of these creative minds that are bursting with ideas? Contrary to the opinion of many, the competence to work creatively is not only due to personal predisposition. You too can become more creative at any time. However, you should promote your creativity in a targeted manner. To do this, there are plenty of methods that lead to more creativity and ingenuity and boost creative thinking at work.

Only those who are curious can learn new things and actually contribute to creative solutions. While curiosity is not so positively connoted in every context, we may encourage you to be absolutely inquisitive, especially in brainstorming. After all, asking questions does not mean you are clueless. By skillfully asking questions, you encourage your counterpart to participate in your thought process. Two heads always achieve more than one. However, you can also do the same thing if you are working, playing on HellSpin casino login or solving exercises – you can stay curious and ask yourself new questions.
A change of scenery can work wonders when it comes to creativity. If you want to develop new ideas, leave your office, go out into nature, to a café or work outdoors in your home office. In places where you are undisturbed and the company phone is not constantly ringing, it works much better with concentration. There are an infinite number of options available to you.

Flashes of inspiration usually come unexpectedly and rarely at the desk in the office. Between all the emails, phone calls and meetings, there’s often not enough time for creativity. After all, your head is busy with other important things. But if you’re sitting on the train home, enjoying a glass of wine after work, or on vacation, you might come up with ideas you’ve never thought of before. Then action is called for. Don’t hesitate for long and collect these kinds of thoughts in a central place. A notebook that you always have at hand or apps on your smartphone are particularly suitable helpers. The so-called “free writing” also helps you burst with ideas: allow yourself a quiet moment in the morning before work and write down everything that comes to mind. This will clear your head, free you from blocking thoughts, and give you room to be creative.
In conclusion, creativity is an important skill. And the main killer of creativity is discouragement. Don’t get disappointed or discouraged too quickly, if you haven’t managed to solve the problem in a creative way. Everyone has a bad day sometimes and in some phases, perseverance is required. Believe in yourself – even if you encounter headwinds or are wrong with an assumption. After all, that’s part of the game and unavoidable. Nevertheless, give your creativity free rein and have confidence in your abilities.
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